Exchange Mailbox Manager Policy
My server: SBS 2003 running Exchange 2003 sp1
Even though my Mailbox Manager policy was running, I was getting emails that said:
Mailboxes processed: 0
Messages moved: 0
Size of moved messages: 0.00 KB
Deleted messages: 0
Size of deleted messages: 0.00 KB
I googled this problem, but didn't find anything that helped me. In fact, the documenation on Mailbox Manager is somewhat lacking. In the Google Groups, a lot of people had posed the question, but never got a response. I had my Mailbox Manager Policy move things to the "System Cleanup" folder, which is supposed to appear in the Folder List in the Outlook client, but it was not showing, so I knew something wasn't working right.
Here's how I got the Mailbox Manager working:
1. In SBS 2003's Server Management console, expand First Organization Exchange, Recipients, Recipient Policies.
2. Right-click on Mailbox Manager Policy
3. The problem I had was that I had never set up the filter on the General tab, so nothing was displayed in that filter rules box. To set up the filter, I clicked "Modify" and on the pop-up box that displayed, I un-checked everything but "Users With Exchange Mailboxes," since that was the only item that I wanted Mailbox Manager to process. (Your needs may vary).
4. Then click on the Mailbox Manager Policy (Settings) box. I clicked the drop-down box under "When Processing a Mailbox", and chose "Move to System Cleanup folders" because I want the messages stored there instead of just deleting them.
5. Check the checkboxes of the folders you want managed and set the age limit (days). click "OK"
6. close this window so you're back in the Server Management console. Right-click on the Mailbox Manager Policy and click "Apply this policy now."
7. To run the Mailbox Manager policy manually (which I did to test), right-click on your server (First Organization, Servers, ServerName) and choose "Start Mailbox Management Process."
8. The mailbox management process will begin. When completed, you (the admin, will receive an email message stating that the process is completed. Also, all users will receive an email message about what was cleaned and where the deleted messages were moved to (the System Cleanup folder).
9. To configure this policy to run on a regular basis, right-click your server, choose Properties, then click the Mailbox Management tab. Here you can configure the times for this policy to run. It's best to have it run after-hours, as it does require some system resources.
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